East’s virtual college commitment day was new, and different, but a very unique experience nonetheless. (Infographic courtesy of Eli Weitzman (’20))
East’s virtual college commitment day was new, and different, but a very unique experience nonetheless.

Infographic courtesy of Eli Weitzman (’20)

East Seniors Commit to College at East’s Virtual Decision Day

May 1, 2020

As Decision Day arrives at East, this year’s seniors bring their future to the Internet, through virtual programs that showcase where they will be attending next year.

May 1 is the deadline for students to commit to the university or college that they were accepted too and is the beginning of a long future for each High School Senior. At Cherry Hill East, May 1 is the day where college apparel becomes school wear as all seniors deck out in the college they will be attending the next fall, take pictures and celebrate, once again, the end of their high school experience.

With the novel coronavirus striking the world right now, seniors are unable to celebrate this time together in person, however, this does not limit them to commemorating through all that Internet entails. From social media pages, sentimental videos, picture collages and more, the Class of 2020, closer than ever, is continuing to take a big step forward in connecting as one online.

Courtesy of Cherry Hill East Cheerleading
Many clubs and social media accounts have posted commitment collages like the one pictured by East Cheerleading.

The Class of 2020 SGA also created a Virtual Commitment Day video that highlights the seniors and where they committed. Members of the Class of 2020 were asked to send in a short video that was no more than 5 seconds long and included their name and their school, as a fun way to make the seniors feel better and look forward to the years to come in this time of uncertainty. Representative Nicole Benson (‘20) and Class Vice President, Molly Phillips (‘20) put the video together and tied around 100 videos together because they felt it was important to showcase the hard work the seniors have done in the last four years.

“May 1 commitment day is very special and typically students would dress up in their apparel for school and take photos in the parking lot. Since that was not an option… [we] came up with the idea of a video of everyone dressed up stating their name and university so we still had the chance to show our school spirit” said Phillips.

Matt Iacono (‘20) created the @che_commits2020 Instagram account in order to acknowledge where East students are going to school next year. It is evident that students needed a place to honor their class, as hundreds of students messaged him about posting a picture of them with their school and major.

Another way the Class of 2020 stays connected is by virtual picture collages that consist of a student’s picture and the logo of the school they’re attending next fall. At East, various clubs and friend groups have created these collages in order to celebrate all of their hard work together during their four years at East.

Even though this Decision Day is unlike any other in previous years, the Class of 2020 is finding every possible way to stay connected and to commemorate their years of memories together that will last a lifetime.

Check out the full Class of 2020 Commitment video by Nicole Benson (’20) and Molly Phillips (’20), and Eastside’s commitment post below!

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“Under the right conditions, I believe almost everyone can succeed. But now we are facing a world that feels so different from what it was just three months ago. Our 20 Eastside seniors have lost so much, including so many events and milestones they’ve been thinking about since before freshman year. It would have been easy for all of them to give up on Eastside — to push it to the side and simply wait for the world to open up again. Rather than doing so, they showed that people can succeed — even flourish — when circumstances are not ideal. They’ve made Eastside Online and our social media more active than ever. They’ve committed themselves to producing a senior issue. They’ve communicated and brainstormed daily at all hours. I am proud of the editors that these 20 seniors have become, but more so, I am very proud of the people they’ve become. I know they will continue to shine regardless of where life takes them. I congratulate each of them on their college commitments and remind them that there will always be a place for them in F087 and with Eastside. The stories of what they are continuing to do will be told to future editors when they think times are too tough to move forward and the obstacles they face are insurmountable. Just look at what these seniors are doing: they would never accept giving up as a response to anything.” — Mr. Greg Gagliardi / Eastside Adviser. Happy decision day to the seniors of Eastside!

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