Class of 2019 takes a trip to Athens, Greece for their Cotillion.

The Greek themed Sophomore Cotillion proves to be a huge hit.

February 25, 2017

Last night at the Sophomore Cotillion, the class of 2019 pulled out all the stops in transforming the cafeteria into the city of Athens, Greece. As the students entered the room they were immediately met with rows of pillars wrapped in a seemingly endless amount of lights representing the ruins of the city once famous for its architecture.

“I think we worked really hard on our entrance, we have our pillars set up nicely, we have the lights going… I think it should be really great,” said Lucas Semon (’19), the President of the Sophomore Class.

The sophomores decided to change things up this year and placed the DJ in the far left corner and the tables on the other side of the room in order to create the maximum amount of space possible for dancing.

“I’m looking forward to going crazy for three hours on the dance floor,” said Semon.

Students inhabited every area of the room for the duration of the night, whether they were partaking in the ice cream sundae line, or admiring the yellow and white balloons that decorated the DJ booth.

“My favorite part about tonight was that the kids actually came up with a night in Athens without any input from me, so as a Latin teacher I totally love that,” said Ms. Smaldoor, one of the advisers to the Sophomore Class.

To top off the night, students left with a custom designed long sleeve t-shirt reflecting the theme. The white long sleeve had ‘Athens’ written on the front with the number 19 underneath of it written in roman numerals XIX. On the back, the sophomores decided to embellish the shirt in three Greek pillars. Each pillar wrote out CHE Soph Cot. Finally, the shirt presented the date at the bottom to allow students to remember the night for a while.

“I hope that the Sophomore Class comes together and enjoys the night together because this year we have really been lacking in school spirit,” said Julia Benedetto (‘19), a Sophomore Class representative.

The Sophomore Class did everything in their favor to bring together the class as a whole. From the food to the decorations, the night seemed to have something for everyone. Just how the history of Athens, Greece is unforgettable to this day, the Sophomore Cotillion will live on in the memories of the students who attended.


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