Taylor Goodman ('25)
Mango Mango's mango sundae is mango ice cream topped with chunks of mango, sweet sauces and two chocolate cookie rods.
In the mood for some fruity desserts? Well, Mango Mango is the perfect place for just that! Mango Mango is a desert restaurant that specializes in mango treats. Mango Mango puts sweet soups in a Hong Kong style with traditional desserts. This restaurant was founded in New York’s Chinatown in 2013. Mango Mango has over thirty locations in over twelve states across the US. There is a wide variety of options on the menu such as ice creams, smoothies, teas, crepes, waffles, cakes, soups, etc.
The founders of Mango Mango believe that a very important quality in a restaurant is the comfortable furniture and unique atmosphere. This is why Mango Mango provides comfortable seating all around the restaurant and serves visually appealing desserts with lots of flavor. Christy Cao, an employee at Mango Mango, claims that the best part about working at this restaurant is “the vibe…it’s [a] really nice environment [and] the atmosphere…and decorations are pretty nice.” Cao also described the friendliness of the co-workers and customers she has encountered.

Opening a new restaurant can be difficult and stressful at times due to the lack or influx of customers at any given time. Cao described her biggest struggle since the grand opening was that “sometimes it’s…really busy, even though [they] have..three or four employees, [it] still can get…hectic.” Cao also expressed that the weekends, especially Saturdays, tend to be their busiest days.
One of Mango Mango’s most popular desserts contains strawberry mango juice sago with lychee jelly and mango ice cream. Cao also voiced the popularity of their freshly made cakes. This allergy-friendly restaurant includes dairy free and gluten free dessert options.
When I first stepped foot into the restaurant, I immediately noticed how neat and organized the furniture was set-up. The workers were extremely friendly and provided both sit-down and take-out options.
The first dessert I sampled was the mango strawberry smoothie-o. This smoothie had a layer of jelly at the bottom, a layer of strawberry smoothie in the middle, and a layer of mango smoothie at the top. Garnished with chunks of fresh mango and strawberry, this smoothie was full of flavor. The pieces of fresh fruit added new textures and tanginess to the smoothie.
The next dessert I tried was the mango mochi. There were three pieces, each filled with fresh mango and topped with coconut. While I personally don’t enjoy coconut, the fresh mango inside of the mochi dough was delicious.

The last dessert I ordered was the mango sundae. This sundae was filled with mango ice cream and topped with chunks of mango, sweet sauces and two chocolate cookie rods. This sundae was by far my favorite desert I tasted. The mango ice cream was cold and refreshing with smooth sauce on top. The chocolate cookie rods were a great addition to the sundae and went really well with the mango flavor.
All in all, I would recommend the desert at Mango Mango. Every item I tried was full of flavor and was very refreshing. Mango Mango has kind employees who ensure that you will have a great experience at their restaurant. I would strongly suggest ordering the mango sundae and will be back to try more desserts!