Exploring Different Generations of East Students
January 9, 2020
Cherry Hill East has been around for 53 years. Throughout these years, familiar faces have left East and brand new faces have entered East. This package will highlight seven families that have had generations of students attend East. From grandparents, to parents, to children, all the generations have encountered different experiences than the next. These seven families include the Hoffmans, the Newcombs, the Ferlands, the Levins, the Kaminers, the Roses and the Kramers. Each family has a story of their own and has made their own legacy. Read below to find out more about these seven families.

Courtesy of Abby Hoffman (’14)
The Hoffman Family
The Hoffman Family
The hardest part of high school, for most students, is having to go through the long and challenging days alone. However, for the Hoffman Family, this was not the case. The family was lucky enough to share similar memories, at the same familiar place. Ken Hoffman (‘86), Sherri Hoffman (‘86), Abby Hoffman (‘14), Max Hoffman (‘14) and Drew Hoffman (‘18) all attended Cherry Hill East. They all had remarkable, yet, extremely unique high school experiences.
Their journey began when Ken Hoffman and Sherri Hoffman met in fifth grade at Woodcrest Elementary School. The two were acquaintances and remained friendly throughout middle school and most of high school. However, Sherri and Ken Hoffman did not begin dating until their last year of high school.
Sherri Hoffman said, “We began dating senior year and we have been together ever since.”
Ken eventually went off to attend University of Rhode Island and Sherri Hoffman attended the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, but distance never tear them apart.
After college, Sherri and Ken moved back to Cherry Hill to start the next chapter of their lives. They could not imagine living anywhere else.
Sherri Hoffman said, “Both our families lived in Cherry Hill, so we knew we’d end up back here.”
[/infographic]After moving back to Cherry Hill, Sherri and Ken got married and had three children. Twins, Max and Abby Hoffman, were born in 1996 and their younger brother, Drew Hoffman, was born four years later in 2000. The three kids followed in their parents footsteps attending Woodcrest Elementary School and later attending Cherry Hill East. All five of the Hoffmans had very different experiences at East, but they are all appreciative for the time they spent at the school. The whole family agrees that East prepared them for the next chapter of their lives.
Max Hoffman said, “I was able to thrive after high school because of all the things East have taught me. East provided me [with many opportunities].”
Ken Hoffman was your typical high school jock. Aside from academics, his main focus in high school was sports. He played baseball for three years of high school. He was on the freshman team his freshman year, but was on junior varsity his junior year. Finally, during his senior year, he finally received the opportunity to play on varsity. Although Ken Hoffman loved baseball, his favorite sport was definitely hockey. Ken Hoffman played club hockey all four years of high school. During Ken Hoffman’s junior year, his hockey team won the Flyers Cup in April 1985. Although this was a tremendous accomplishment in his life, Ken Hoffman’s most proud high school moment was making it to the Hall of Fame his senior year. It was a major honor to have his picture hung up in the East hallways.

Max Hoffman graduated from East in 2014.
Sherri Hoffman had a very different high school experience than her husband. She did not participate in any sports, but she did take part in some activities. Sherri Hoffman was a biology aid her sophomore year and wrote the biographies for the Senior Hall of Fame her senior year.
Although Abby and Max Hoffman were born on the same day, they spent their high school days participating in different activities. You could catch Abby Hoffman writing for Eastside, cheering on the sidelines, helping students out at Cum Laude, singing for Chansons or helping out with Habitats for Humanity. Abby Hoffman was an opinions editor her junior year and the entertainment editor her senior year of high school. Abby Hoffman relished her time in Eastside, as it was her favorite high school activity.
Max Hoffman had a very different high school experience than his sister.

Abby Hoffman graduated from East in 2014.
Unlike Abby Hoffman, Max Hoffman could always be spotted in the D-Wing acting for the school plays or singing for one of his many musical groups.
Max Hoffman said, “I did all the shows. I was also in E-singers, Casual Harmony and Madrigals.”
Still to this very day, Max Hoffman can always be found singing and acting. He currently lives in New York with his sister, in attempt to pursue his dreams as an actor.
Not only was Max Hoffman an avid D-Winger in high school, but he also engaged in SGA his freshman year and partook in Habitat of Humanity. He even participated in Mr. East his senior year. As shown, Max Hoffman participated in a wide range of activities.
Lastly, Drew Hoffman participated in more activities than anyone else in his family.

Drew Hoffman graduated from East in 2018.
“I am quite arguably the most impactful Hoffman to attend East,” he said.
Drew Hoffman could be found anywhere from the trackfield to the DECA stage. He took after everyone in his family. He played sports like his dad, did Cum Laude and Eastside like his sister and participated in Mr. East and SGA like his brother.
Drew Hoffman was an SGA Representative all four years in high school. He also ran cross country for four years and ran spring track for three years. Drew Hoffman was also an Eastside sports editor his junior year and an Eastside multimedia editor his senior year. Not only that, but Drew Hoffman made it to DECA States all four years of his high school career and made it to the DECA International Convention his senior year. Although Drew Hoffman had an extraordinary list of accomplishments, his most proud high school moment was by far Mr. East, when he performed as Mr. Hotline Bling.
Although every member of the Hoffman family had a completely different experience at East, they all treasure their four years and feel blessed to have such great high school memories.
Sherri Hoffman said, “I think the best experience as parents was having all three of our kids graduate from the same high school as we did. Having all five of us go to the same elementary school and high school was pretty special.”
The Hoffman family shares a unique connection that not all families share. The five family members got to grow up in the same area and attend the same public schools. This enables the family to feel a special tight-knit bond that they would not trade for the world.

Courtesy of Kate Newcomb (’21)
The Newcomb Family
The Newcomb Family
The Disney trip, to some, was just a fun experience with friends, but for Stephanie Newcomb (‘89) and Mark Newcomb (‘89), it was the beginning of their lifelong love and family. Before the senior trip to Disney World, Mark and Stephanie Newcomb were just acquaintances. They shared some mutual friends and knew about each other, but before the senior trip that was the extent of their relationship.
Stephanie Newcomb said, “[Mark] asked my friend if she thought I would go out with him, and she said no. When I heard this, I said go back and tell him I would date him.” After this, they started talking and eventually began dating.
They dated for the majority of their senior year, however, they broke up before college. They did not date for seven years after high school.
Stephanie Newcomb said, “I always thought of Mark as the one that got away.”
Then, seven years later, they reconnected at the Jersey Shore.
Stephanie Newcomb said, “A mutual friend knew that I liked him still, and she saw him at a bar and reconnected us.”
When they began dating after their seven year hiatus, they decided that Cherry Hill was the perfect place to start a family of their own.
Mark Newcomb said, “Our families lived in Cherry Hill and we knew the schools were good. We both lived in the area. I lived in Philly, and Stephanie lived in Marlton. We had a lot of familiarity with it, and on the course of our marriage, Cherry hill became more of an option. We knew it was the right fit.”

Lindsay Newcomb will graduate in 2024.
Now they have three kids who have attended, still attend or will attend Cherry Hill High School East: Alex Newcomb (‘19), Kate Newcomb (‘21) and Lindsay Newcomb (‘24).
Their son Alex Newcomb (‘19) graduated 30 years to the day they graduated.
From their time at East to their children’s time at East, they have noticed a few changes. They both agreed that the curriculum has gotten more rigorous since they were East students.
Mark Newcomb said, “There is a lot more pressure academically than there used to be.” He also added that “the sports were more competitive, and there was more success.”

Kate Newcomb graduates in 2021.
However, some things have not changed since their time in East. Mark Newcomb said, “Every time I walk back into that school it takes me back to 1989. It is a moment of deja vu, and all the memories come back.”
Stephanie Newcomb added that one thing that has not changed is the facilities.
Stephanie Newcomb said, “I like the idea that we went to the same high school that our kids also went to. It makes us feel a part of the community.” She then went onto say that “It is so crazy on back to school night to see all the people, just like us, that come back here and start families.

Alex Newcomb graduated in 2019.
Kate Newcomb also sees the upside of her parents attending East. She said, “It is nice because on Back to School Night, they do not need a map or for me to explain where my classes are.
Cherry Hill has always been the place Mark and Stephanie Newcomb call home, and now they get to pass it onto the next generation.
Mark Newcomb said, “I always was so proud of my time at East, and now I get to watch it all through [my children’] eyes. It is nostalgic, and it is cool to have the school in common.”

Courtesy of Suzanne Ferland (’03)
Marianne Ferland (‘76), Angela Bruno (’22) and Suzanne Ferland (’03).
The Ferland/Bruno Family
Since opening its doors in 1967, Cherry Hill East has educated thousands of students. While East graduates attend college throughout the country, many are drawn back to their suburban hometown to plant roots for their own families. In recent years, the hallowed crimson and white halls of East have become the educational home to many second and third generations of East students.
For East parent, Suzanne Ferland (‘03), it has been exciting to revisit her high school alma mater with her daughter, Angela Bruno (‘22). Comprised of three generations of East alumni and students, which also includes grandmother, Marianne Ferland (‘76), Suzanne Ferland’s family has deep roots in this community. Notably, all three generations of students were fortunate to have the same dedicated crossing guard, Mrs. Claire Bauman, while attending Horace Mann Elementary School.
While participating in activities at East, these family members all discovered a shared passion for the arts. Marianne and Suzanne Ferland were both involved in East’s Photography Club and Suzanne Ferland and Angela Bruno were both members of East’s Stage Crew.
During Suzanne Ferland’s years at East, she worked on stage crew for theater productions directed by beloved drama teacher, Mr. Tom Weaver. During Angela Bruno’s freshman year, she also had the opportunity to participate in stage crew for Mr. Weaver’s productions, prior to his retirement in June, 2019.

Angela Bruno graduates in 2022.
“He’s been here since my mom was in school, he directed the crew when she was here . . . . He’s an awesome teacher,” said Bruno.
Mother and daughter also shared the experience of taking art classes taught by East teacher, Mrs. Bernadette Calnon-Buote.
“I just think it’s neat how we all ended up with similar interests, not with sports, but with the theatre and arts,” said Suzanne Ferland.
From a parent perspective, Suzanne Ferland appreciates and values the educational opportunities available at East. She made a conscious decision to return to Cherry Hill as an adult so that her children could get a great education. She also thinks that East has made a positive change by increasing school security. When Suzanne Ferland was a student, she recalls that community members could enter the school building without providing identification and students could leave East during lunch breaks.
When Suzanne Ferland was at East, her parents hosted a foreign exchange student from France organized by the French Club. Last year, Suzanne Ferland and Angela Bruno chose to participate in the foreign exchange program as a host family. Angela had the opportunity to become friends with a high school student from France during a two-week stay in Cherry Hill. The family plans to host another French student again during Angela’s junior year.
For those of you that feel like high school has gone by way too fast, take comfort in the knowledge that you can revisit the good times at East, homework-free, with your own children.
Carolyn Corbi (Schultz) (‘80)
Courtesy of Cherry Hill East Athletic Hall of Fame
Carolyn Corbi (Schultz) graduated Cherry Hill East in 1980.
Schultz, or “Captain Corbs” as her teammates called her, became interested in gymnastics after watching Olga Korbut perform in the 1972 Olympics. Inspired by Korbut, she started competing for a club team outside of school, which gave her a leg up as a gymnast upon entering East.
Schultz claimed many titles, including being the first person — male or female — to be named Courier Post’s All South Jersey gymnastics squad for four consecutive years.
Additionally, her score on the uneven parallel bars of 9.8 continues to be the record in South Jersey.
Her success eventually led to her committing to Western Carolina University, where she was given a full scholarship as a Division I gymnast. However, Schultz’s gymnastics career was sadly halted during her sophomore year in 1982 after injuring her ankle to the point where she could not walk.
Schultz ultimately decided to return to New Jersey and attend Glassboro State College in order to finish her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Special Education while she simultaneously coached both artistic and rhythmic gymnasts at national levels at the Will Moor School of Gymnastics for ten years from 1982 to 1992.

Courtesy of Jessica Levin (’22)
The Levin Family
Column: The Levin Family

Devyn Levin graduates in 2022.
Student Government at Cherry Hill East runs in my family, like athleticism are artistic ability may run in others. My name is Jessica Levin (‘22), and my mom Stacy Levin (‘88), my older sister Madeline Levin (‘18), and my twin sister Devyn Levin (‘22), all have attended or currently attend Cherry Hill East. Both of my parents grew up in Cherry Hill.

Jessica Levin graduates in 2022.
My mom and dad met in high school, even though my mom went to East and my dad went to West. My parents urged my sisters and I to get involved in Student Government as soon as we got into middle school. They made sure to show us the importance of our student voice and giving back to the community. Growing up, my mom was class Secretary/Treasurer her Sophomore and Junior years and was school Secretary/Treasurer her Senior year.
My older sister, Madeline Levin, followed in my mom’s footsteps and took on the role for running for student government office. She became class Vice President her Sophomore year, school Vice President her Junior year and was elected school President her Senior year. With all of these accomplishments, she made it nearly impossible for my twin and I to fulfill these shoes. My twin sister, Devyn Levin, was the class Vice President our Freshman year, and is currently our Sophomore class President.

Madeline Levin graduated in 2018.
Coming into East, my siblings and I️ knew right away that we would get involved with Student Government, for this is what we have always known. We had heard funny stories from my mom and her friends about planning lip sync, FOP parties and the Spirit Week floats that were driven around the West track.
Devyn Levin and I got to see first hand the East Student Government in action when my older sister was at East. We watched as Madeline Levin helped plan dances, movie nights and East’s first wing bowl. We could not wait to get to East. Now that I am here, I am happy that Devyn and I are carrying on the family tradition of East Student Government.

Courtesy of Jeffrey Kaminer (’21)
Margot Kaufman and the Kaminer kids.
Column: The Kaminer/Kaufman Family
My roots dig deep in Cherry Hill. My dad, Adam Kaminer (‘85), went to West and

Jeffrey Kaminer graduates in 2021.
my mom, Margot Kaufman (‘87), went to East. However, it never seemed to be an argument that my siblings and I would go to East. Back when my dad went to high school, he chose West because “that’s where all of [his] friends went.” So when the time came, my dad wanted me and my siblings to go to school where all of our friends were going- just as he did. That school was East.
My sister Isabelle Kaminer (‘15) and my brother Noah Kaminer (‘18) all attended East as well. My mom says it reminds her of when her and her brothers went to East, Ross Kaufman (‘95) and Andrew Kaufman (‘91). My siblings and I went through East much like my mom and her siblings. My sister, the oldest, parallels my mom while my brother is like my Uncle Andrew and I am like my Uncle Ross. In some way, I feel as though I am completing the legacy of my family.

Isabelle Kaminer graduated in 2015.
Coming into East, all of my family gave me advice and tips of clubs to try and teachers to meet. I had a history at East the moment I walked into the building. I am following my family legacy, each person’s footsteps in a different way.
I lead my school in SGA just like my mom. Just like my brother and sister, I work in Blood Drive and compete in DECA. Like my sister and Uncle Ross, I am in Eastside. I played sports like my brother and Uncle Andrew. Many people also ask me why I am in the Chinese Student Association. I joined it because my brother was in the Indian Cultural Society and I wanted to do something like that because it seemed like lots of fun. That is what is great about East, I can see my family experience things before I do, and learn from it. At the same time, however, I make my own choices and develop my own persona.

Noah Kaminer graduated in 2018.
Growing up in Cherry Hill and having the option to choose between following my mom’s footsteps or my dad’s was a really cool opportunity that not many people get to experience. I lived my life having the opportunity to receive feedback from family members, since they already lived this life. My siblings helped too. Although, I am sure that I’m not the only one who had siblings and parents from East. A lot of my friends are siblings of my siblings’ friends who passed through East too. Our families are interconnected.
Everyone has their own experience at East and somehow many are still following a legacy. It becomes especially interesting when you include the staff at East. Many teachers were also students here and went to school with many students’ parents. Some teachers even become teachers at East because of teachers they have had at East; some even end up teaching together! East is very unique and it is renowned for developing a strong foundation for the growth of so many young adults, which is why many parents send their kids back here.

The Rose Family
The Rose Family
High school is no cake walk, but when going through the experience with teammates and support around you, it’s not so bad afterall. However, for the Rose Family, that unique experience was shared through generations.
Every family is different in their own ways, and may not always do the same thing, but for the Rose’s, East was no different. Stacey Rose (‘91), Adam Rose (‘83), Adam Berman (‘88) (Stacey Rose’s brother), Leon Rose (‘79), Jacob Rose (‘19) and Noah Rose (‘21) each attended/attend Cherry Hill High School East.

Noah Rose will graduate in 2021.
Stacey Rose developed a unique experience, involved in clubs and activities, some that are no longer at East. She was involved in Student Government Association, Students Against Drunk Driving and Latin Club. Although she was not as involved in sports as her family was, she created a different memory at East for herself.
Adam Rose graduated in 1983 and went through East with basketball right by his side. Adam Rose had a very unique highschool experience. Adam Rose began playing for East during his freshman year in 1979. He then played for varsity his last two years in highschool. During his basketball career, he played for the legendary John Valore, a former basketball coach at East. However, his passion for basketball did not end at East, but it was no easy ride.
“I tried out my freshman year and I was the last cut,” said Adam Rose, “I talked to the coach after he cut me and he said he kept a senior over me because [the senior] was in the program for four years.”
On the other hand, not only was basketball at East a great reflection for Adam Rose, but also showed Stacey Rose what it was like to be on a team.
“It’s a great experience because their teammates are their best friends,” said Stacey Rose, “they are so connected, but in a different way through commitment and having each other’s backs.”

Jacob Rose graduated in 2019.
Not only was basketball an important role in Adam’s highschool career, but both Jacob and Noah Rose find the same importance in the game. Jacob Rose is a 2019 graduate and played basketball for East all four years.
A unique connection between Jacob and Noah Rose is that they had the opportunity to play basketball here at East, together. Although their father had his own experience, they developed their own. Noah Rose has been playing basketball for East since his freshman year. Unlike their father, the two brothers were able to develop a unique relationship and experience, on and off the court.
“Being on varsity [with Jacob] my sophomore year and his senior year made us a lot closer,” said Noah Rose, “We were together everyday after school for practice and on the weekends. He helped motivate me to do better in school and also on the court.”
Not only was his brother able to make an impact on him, but also his father’s own experience.
“My dad playing at East definitely helped the experience. I got to know how hard I had to work in order to be on the team,” said Noah Rose.
Stacey and Adam Rose met at the Greenhouse in Margate City, New Jersey the summer she graduated from GW. They both coincidentally attended college in Washington D.C., Stacey Rose went to GW University and Adam Rose attended American University. They both shared different experiences, however, they certainly enjoyed their time at East.
From the courts to the hallways, the name of the family truly ROSE to the occasion with their time at East.

Courtesy of Shaina Kramer (’21)
The Kramer Family
The Kramer Family
For generations, the Kramer family has resided in Cherry Hill. Members of the Kramer family, ranging from Ben Kramer, who graduated in 1979, to Shaina Kramer, who will graduate at the end of this year, all attended Sharp, Beck and eventually Cherry Hill East.
Aaron Kramer, Shaina Kramer’s father who graduated in 1982, as well as Ben Kramer, Shaina Kramer’s uncle, have lived in Cherry Hill all of their lives. Ben Kramer remained involved with East throughout the years by photographing football games when his son Alex Kramer (‘13) played football for East. Each of Ben Kramer’s four children, who are now all in their twenties, also attended East. Both Shaina Kramer’s brother, Conrad Kramer (‘14), and her sister, Gwen Kramer (‘17) similarly graduated from East.

Shaina Kramer graduates in 2020.
After studying photography at East, Ben Kramer began his career as a photographer. He attended Rider University where he worked as a self-employed portrait and event photographer.
Both Aaron and Ben Kramer had Mr. Kovnat as their photography teacher, and for the past two years Shaina Kramer has had Mr. Kovnat too. Although Mr. Kovnat does not remember having Aaron and Ben Kramer as students, they have stayed close throughout the years.
“It is always fun to run into each other here and there around Cherry Hill, often at Temple Emanuel, where we all attend,” said Shaina Kramer.
Shaina Kramer further described the imprints East made on her family members. “Because of my family I was really set on East,” said Shaina Kramer. She went on to explain how her dad always enjoyed socializing in the hallways between classes when he attended East.
“My family remained in Cherry Hill after growing up here…they really liked the schools…they wanted us to experience it too,” said Shaina Kramer.
Ryan Kaliner • Oct 20, 2021 at 8:35 pm
The Rose family story is truly an inspirational one. One can only hope to have such great kids follow in their own footsteps!!! Following in their parents footsteps once again, Noah and Jacob both attend University in the DMV area at the Universty of Maryland in College Park where they have the opportunity to further develop their connection. Noah is very lucky to have Jacob as a mentor through all stages of their early lives!!
Cherie DeVille • Jan 10, 2020 at 6:33 pm
My daughter-in-law (Mia Malkova) and I both went to East 21 years a part. We both had a lot of fun but times change
alexis fawx • Jan 10, 2020 at 2:57 pm
well what can i say but this is beautiful coverage, it makes me realize the importance of beauty and htings that matter, i will add this to my own site if i can.
Dee Moore • Jan 10, 2020 at 11:28 am
Phenomenal to see how these families have stayed in Cherry Hill. Congrats to Alexa Atlas and others.